

1) Introduction to collections

2) Overview on Collections ?

3) What are the key interfaces in java ? 

4) What is Array List

5) What is Vector ?

6) What are differences between ArrayList and Vector ?

7) What is LinkedList ?

8) What is Hash Map ?

9)  What is Interface?

10) what is Abstract Class ?

11) What are the different Types of Blocks available in java ?

12) What is @Override annotation in java ?

13) What is @SuppressWarnings annotation in java ?

14) Verify List is sorted or not in java ?

15) What is String Tokenizer in java ?

16) Strings in java ?

17) String Methods in Java ?

18) What is String Buffer in java ?

19) What is String Builder in java ?

20) Difference between StringBuffer and Stringbuilder ?

21) toString() in java ?

22) What are Cursors in java ?

23) What is Enumeration in java ?

24) What is Iterator in java ?

25) What is List Iterator in java ?

26) What is Multi threading in java ?

27) Difference between start() and run() in java ?

28) What is synchronized in java ?

29) What is HashSet in java ?

30) What is Linked Hashset in java ?

31) What is sortedSet in java ? 

32) What are Objects in Java ?

33) this keyword in Java ?

34) What is Constructor ?

35) What is Parameterized Constructor ?

36) What is Method Overloading ?

37) What is Static Keyword ?

38) What are the types of variables?

39) System.getenv() in Java?

40) How to pass arguments to Java programs?

41) How to get a number of files in a directory?

42) How to filter files in a directory?

43) How to Read a number of rows from files?

44) How to Read a number of rows from Multiple Excel Files?

49) distinct() in Java

1) What is Selenium ?

2) Locators in selenium and preferences ? 

3) How to make vedio of selenium scenario ?

4) How to use JavaScript using selenium ?

5) How Interfaces implemented in Selenium Webdriver ?

6) Different ways to handle Window Handles in selenium ?

7) How to Read Data from JSON file ?

8) How to Select last option in drop down using selenium ?

9) How to Kill opened browsers using selenium ?

1) What is Cucumber ?

2) What are the Layers of cucumber ?

3) What is Gherkin ?

4) What is Cucumber junit runner Class ?

5) What is Cucumber Hooks?

6) What is Cucumber monochrome?

7) What are Cucumber Tags?

8) What are Cucumber plugins?

9) What is Cucumber dryRun?

10) How to Run cucumber scenario using Line Number?

11) What is Background in Cucumber?

12) What is Scenario Outline in Cucumber?

13) What are the methods available for Cucumber Scenario?

14) How to use getName() method in Cucumber?

15) How to use getId() method in cucumber?

16) How to use getUri() method in cucumber?

17) How to use getLine() method in cucumber?

18) How to use isFailed() method in cucumber?

19) How to use getSourceTagNames() method in cucumber?

20) What are the dependencies required for the cucumber framework?

21) Cucumber Data tables?
--> Protractor Cheatsheet

1) What is Protractor?

2) Architecture of Protractor?

3) Steps for Protractor Installation?

4) Write test case in Protractor?

5) Write Multiple Test cases in Protractor?

6) Execute the protractor test case?

7) beforeEach() in protractor?

8) afterEach() in protractor?

9) beforeAll() in protractor?

10) afterAll() in protractor?

11) Functions or blocks in protractor?

12) directConnect in protractor?

16) Generate Test reports in protractor?

17) Generate Random Alpha Numeric Characters in protractor ?

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