
Cucumber Scenario Outline

What is Scenario Outline in Cucumber?

Scenario Outline:
  • It is a keyword provided in gherkin language.
  • It is mainly used to execute the same scenario multiple times, with different combinations of input test data/values.
  • Scenario Outline is a synonym of the keyword Scenario Template.
  • Examples is a keyword and must be used in the scenario outline to pass the input data/values.
Demo on Scenario Outline:

Let's say I have 2 scenarios like below:

Feature: Demo on scenario outline
  Scenario: First scenario
    Given I am on home page
    When I search for "Nokia" mobile
    Then I should see mobile phones
  Scenario: Second scenario
    Given I am on home page
    When I search for "Samsung" mobile
    Then I should see mobile phones
Here,we observe 2 scenarios having same steps but with different input values.(nokia,samsung)
By using scenario outline we write above 2 scenarios into 1 scenario with different input values.
Scenario Template: Scenario outline example Given I am on home page When I search for "<mobile_company>" mobile Then I should see mobile phones Examples: | mobile_company | | Nokia | | Samsung |
For above scenario,
Observe we have used keyword Scenario Template and step definitions are implemented like below:
public class outLineStepDefinitions { @Given("I am on home page") public void iAmOnHomePage() { System.out.println("I am on Home Page"); } @When("I search for {string} mobile") public void iSearchForMobile(String parameter) { System.out.println("I search for "+parameter+" mobile"); } @Then("I should see mobile phones") public void iShouldSeeMobilePhones() { System.out.println("I should see Mobile Phones"); } }
Now execute the scenario:
Scenario OutlineCucumber
Cucumber Scenario Outline
We can also pass multiple arguments/test data/values in steps.
Cucumber Scenario Outline
Cucumber Scenario Outline
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