What is Cucumber Hooks File?
Cucumber Hooks:
Cucumber Hooks:
- Cucumber Hooks plays a vital role in the execution of cucumber scenarios.
- It provides a block of code that will be used for setup and teardown of the environment before and after each scenario.
- Cucumber provides annotation @Before and @After in order to execute a block of code
- The code we write in @Before annotation will be executed before the execution of all scenarios.
- In @Before annotation, we write code for setup the environment like Web driver setup, launch browser, browser maximize, open the DB connections, etc.,.
- Get the currently executing scenario name
- We can use also use Hooks(@Before,@After) in any class.
- The code we write in @After annotation will be executed after the execution of all scenarios.
- In @After annotation, we write code for the teardown of environment like close the driver, quit the driver, close DB connections, taking screenshots, taking test reports, etc.,.
- Get the status of the currently executed scenario.
- We can use also use Hooks(@Before,@After) in any class.
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Cucumber Hooks |
import io.cucumber.java.Before;
import io.cucumber.java.After;
import io.cucumber.java.Scenario;
import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType;
import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeOptions;
import java.io.IOException;
public class Hooks {
public static WebDriver driver;
public void LaunchBrowser(Scenario s) {
ChromeOptions chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "D:\\drivers\\chromedriver.exe");
System.out.println("started " + s.getName() + " execution");
driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeOptions);
public void scenarioexecuted(Scenario s) throws IOException {
if (s.isFailed()) {
byte[] screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);
s.attach(screenshot, "image/png", s.getName());
Note: we can give any class name in place of Hooks.
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