
How to clear text in text field ?

How to clear text in text field ?

>> In protractor, we can clear the value in textbox using clear().

>> clear() will not return any value.

Please check below code script:

First write xpath with help of DOM

clear() in protractor
clear() in protractor

describe('Protractor - clear()', function () {
it('Code script to use clear() in protractor', function () {
var textElement = element(by.model('name'));
enterText(textElement, "Keeplearners");

function enterText(element, text) {
element.sendKeys(text).then(function () {
console.log("Entered " + text + " in text box");

function clearTextBox(element) {
element.clear().then(function () {
console.log("Cleared text in text box")
Here we have written xpath using Angular locator by.model.
sendKeys() will take string as an argument to enter text into text box.
clear() will clear value in text box.
clear() in protractor
clear() in protractor
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