
How to check if an element is present or not in protractor

 isPresent() in protractor

>> In protractor, isPresent() method is used to check whether element is currently present or not in DOM.
>> isPresent() resolves to whether the element is in DOM or not and doesn't throw exception if it is visible or not on UI.
>> isPresent() will return boolean values (true/false).

>> If value is true then element is present in DOM and if value is false then element is not present in DOM.

Please check below code script:

First write xpath with help of DOM

isPresent() in protractor

Here we have two buttons, 1 button is present and other button is not present.

describe('Protractor - use isPresent()', function () {
it('Code script to how to use isPresent()', function () {
var buttonPresent = element(by.css("input#displaying"));
var ispresent = isElementPresent(buttonPresent);
ispresent.then(function (value) {
console.log("Is First button present=" + value);

var buttonNotPresent = element(by.css("input#not-displaying"));
var isnotpresent = isElementPresent(buttonPresent);
isnotpresent.then(function (value) {
console.log("Is second button present=" + value);

function isElementPresent(element) {
return element.isPresent().then(function (present) {
console.log("is Element present=" + present);
return present;

It will return whether button(s) is present or not.
As both elements are present in DOM(able to match the finder) it will present as true for both elements.
isPresent() in protractor

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