
Difference between isDisplayed() and isPresent() in protractor ?

Different between isDisplayed() and isPresent() in protractor ?

  • It will verify whether element is displaying on UI or not.
  • It will check the visibility of element on UI and it throws an exception if element is not in DOM.
  • It will verify whether element is present in DOM or not
  • It will not check the visibility of element on UI and it doesn't throw an exception.
Please check below code script:

First write xpath with help of DOM

Difference between isPresent() and isDisplayed()
Difference between isPresent() and isDisplayed()

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Here we have 1 hidden button which is not displaying on UI but present in DOM.
describe('Protractor - difference between isDisplayed() & isPresent()', function () {
it('Code script for difference between isDisplayed() & isPresent()', function () {
var hiddenButton = element(by.css("input#not-displaying"));

var ispresent = isElementPresent(hiddenButton);
ispresent.then(function (value) {
console.log("using isPresent()=" + value);

var isdisplay = isElementDisplay(hiddenButton);
isdisplay.then(function (value) {
console.log("using isDisplayed()=" + value);

function isElementPresent(element) {
return element.isPresent().then(function (present) {
console.log("is Element present=" + present);
return present;

function isElementDisplay(element) {
return element.isDisplayed().then(function (display) {
console.log("is Element displayed=" + display);
return display;

difference between isDisplayed() & isPresent()
difference between isDisplayed() & isPresent()
As element is not displaying on UI,
isDisplayed() will return false,
isPresent() will return true as element matcher found in DOM.
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