
Verify the display of element which disappear immediately in protractor

Verify the display of element which disappear immediately in protractor ?

describe('Protractor - Verify the display of element which disappear immediately in protractor', function () {
beforeAll(async function () {
await browser.get("");

it('Verify the display of element which disappear immediately in protractor', async function () {
verifyBlinkMessage(2000, 0, "className");

function verifyBlinkMessage(totalCount, currentCount, className) {
if (currentCount < totalCount) {
return browser.executeScript("return document.getElementsByClassName('" + className + "').length").then(function (value) {
if (value > 0) {
console.log("Element displayed=" + value);
return browser.executeScript("return document.getElementsByClassName('" + className + "')[0].innerText").then(function (textPopUp) {
console.log("pop up message=" + textPopUp);
return textPopUp;
// return true;
} else {
console.log("Page is loading....");
return verifyBlinkMessage(totalCount, currentCount++, className);
} else {
throw new Error("element not present after Max count" + totalCount + "ms reached.")
// return false; //if element not present after Max count reached.
Verify the display of element which disappear immediately in protractor

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