
Get text from Image using Tesseract

How to get Text from Image using Tesseract ?
  • Tesseract is an OCR engine which recognize characters in an various types of Images(png,jpg etc.,.)
  • Tesseract is considered as one of the most accurate open source OCR engine.
  • Google provides an easy way to convert Image and PDF files into editable text for free of cost by using its built-in OCR feature.
Now we will see a program how to do it using Tesseract with Java:

Firstly, Add Tesseract for Java as maven dependency to your project.
After adding maven dependency,below is code we can use:
import net.sourceforge.tess4j.ITesseract;
import net.sourceforge.tess4j.Tesseract;
public class CaptchaTesseract {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
        ITesseract image = new Tesseract();
        String str = image.doOCR(new File("D:\\Imagepath\\image_text.png"));
        System.out.println("Extract Text from Image using Tesseract:");
Where image_text.png is my input image(below image) where i will extract text.
Run the code then we see output like below:
Extract Text from Image using Tesseract:
You are always
stronger than
you think you
Note: We can also achieve this using Tesseract with python
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