
Cucumber Scenario methods?

What are the methods available in the Cucumber Scenario?

Cucumber Scenario:
  • Scenario is a class provided in the package.
  • In Cucumber we will write our test cases using Scenario keyword.
  • While executing scenarios we need to know the information of executing scenarios like Status of scenario, scenario path, etc.,.
Below are Scenario methods which are frequently used in the framework:
  1. getName()
  2. getId()
  3. getUri()
  4. getLine()
  5. isFailed()
  6. getSourceTagNames()
  • getName(): It will return the name of the scenario.
  • getId():  It will return the id of scenario. (Syntax: <feature file uri>:<line number>)
  • getUri(): It will return the Uri of the Scenario.
  • getLine(): It will return the line number in the feature file of  the scenario.
  • isFailed(): It will return boolean value.Return True if scenario is failed.
  • getSourceTagName(): It will return tags of the current execution of scenario.
Demo program on Cucumber Scenario Methods:

Let's say I have a scenario like below:
Feature: Demo on cucumber framework
  Description: The purpose of this feature is to explain Scenario class in cucumber
  @smoke @regression
  Scenario: This is First Scenario
    Given I navigated to keeplearners blogspot
    And I search for Java
    And I search selenium
    And I search for cucumber
    Then I close the browser
cucumber scenario methods
cucumber scenario methods
Now we will execute the above scenario by using all the above methods in Hooks file.
Scenario methods in Cucumber

Cucumber getLine():

In case of Scenario Outline, it will return line number of Examples row.

Let's say I have a Scenario outline like below:
Cucumber Scenario outline getLine()
Cucumber Scenario outline getLine()
Execute above scenario:
Cucumber getLine() method
Cucumber Scenario getLine() method
So, generally in your cucumber framework, we can use scenario methods before and after the execution of a scenario.

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