
How to wait for text present in element in protractor ?

textToBePresentInElement() in protractor ?

  • textToBePresentInElement() will checking if the given text is present in the element
Please check below code script:

First check the web element in DOM

verify text present in element

Here we have one button it has text "Click Me"
describe('Protractor - waits - textToBePresentInElement()', function () {
async function () {
await browser.get("");
'Code script to use waits - textToBePresentInElement() in protractor', async function () {
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var clickMeButton = element(by.css("button[ng-click='clickMe(angularAlert)']"));
await browser.wait(EC.
textToBePresentInElement(clickMeButton, 'Click Me'), 5000);
await console.log("Verified that text is present in element");
verify text is present in element
textToBePresentInElement() in protractor
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