
Put spaces between the words in string

Put spaces between the words in the string

  • We can append between the words in the string using the methods available in the Character class and also by using the split method.
  • After adding spaces convert the string to lowercase.

Input:      KeeplearnersBlogspotCom
Output:   keeplearners blogspot com

public class PutSpacesBtwWords {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = "KeeplearnersBlogspotCom";
System.out.print("Given Input String=" + str);
String newStr = "";

for (int i = 0; i <= str.length() - 1; i++) {
if (Character.isUpperCase(str.charAt(i))) {
newStr += " " + str.charAt(i);
} else {
newStr += str.charAt(i);
newStr = newStr.toLowerCase();
System.out.println("\nPut spaces between words starting with capital letters=");

String[] arr = str.split("(?=[A-Z])");

String finalStr = "";

for (String s1 : arr) {
finalStr += s1 + " ";
System.out.println("\nPut spaces between words starting with capital letters using split=");

Put spaces between the words in string
Put spaces between the words in string

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