
How to wait for an element is not attached in DOM ?

stalenessOf() in protractor ?

  • stalenessOf() will verify the element is not present in DOM in given time.
  • stalenessOf() is just opposite of presenceOf() in protractor.
Please check below code script:
describe('Protractor - waits - stalenessOf()', function () {
async function () {
await browser.get("");
'Code script to use waits - stalenessOf() in protractor', async function () {
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var dombutton = element(by.css("input#not-displayingg"));
await browser.wait(EC.stalenessOf(dombutton, 5000, "Element appeared in the DOM in given time"));
await console.log("Verified element is not present in DOM");
The web element(dombutton) we declared in above script is not present web page
Navigate to
As element is not present in DOM it doesn't throw any error.
stalenessOf() in protractor
protractor stalenessOf()
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