
indexOf() in Java strings ?

indexOf() in java strings ?

>> In Java, indexOf() method is available in String class.
>> indexOf() method is used to retrieve the index of a given character or substring.
>> If it is not found it will return -1.

Java program using indexOf():

Lets say we have given input string:

Java string index

    public class indexOf {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = "This is example string";

// indexOf("String")
System.out.println("Position of x=" + str.indexOf("x"));
System.out.println("Position of string" + str.indexOf("xample"));
System.out.println("if searched string not present=" + str.indexOf("adsa"));

// indexOf('character')
System.out.println("Position of character=" + str.indexOf('g'));

// indexOf("string","fromIndex")
System.out.println("Position of searched string from specified index" + str.indexOf("e", 9));

// indexOf('character',"fromIndex")
System.out.println("Position of searched character from specified index=" + str.indexOf('i', 6));

System.out.println("if searched substring not occur=" + str.indexOf("a", 20));
java indexOf()

As mentioned in above program we have 4 types indexOf() methods:
int indexOf(String substring) - returns the index of given substring
int indexOf(int ch) - returns the index of given character value
int indexOf(string substring,int fromindex) - returns index position for the given substring and from index
int indexOf(int ch,int fromindex) - returns index position for the given char value and from index
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