
directConnect in protractor

what is directConnect in protractor?
  • Basically in protractor, a test case will run by connecting to browser through selenium server.
  • But protractor provides a feature i.,. directConnect, it will be used to directly connect to the browser driver.
  • directConnect will take 2 values:
  1. true,
  2. false
directConnect:false  ::
  • Its default value is false.
  • To use directConnect, we have to configure directConnect in the configuration file(conf.js).
  • If we do not use directConnect in the configuration file, it will take the value as false (as it's the default value)
  • When directConnect value is false, it's mandatory to configure seleniumAddress in the configuration file.
  • directConnect=false is used to connect the protractor tests to browser(chrome/firefox drivers) through seleniumServer
  • seleniumServer will start at a specified port number. if not specified it will use default port  4444
  • In your config file, set seleniumAddress to the address of the running server. This defaults to http://localhost:4444/wd/hub.
directConnect:true  ::
  • directConnect=true is used to connect directly, the protractor tests to browser(chrome/firefox driver) bypassing (or) by skipping (or) without using the seleniumServer.
  • If it is true, it will ignore seleniumAddress and seleniumServerJar settings.
  • The main advantage using value directConnect=true,is your test script may start up and run faster.
  • If you try to use browsers other than chrome, firefox, it will throw an error.
Let's see how to configure directConnect in your configuration file:
using directConnect=false:
exports.config = {
    framework: 'jasmine',
    seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub', //directConnect:false
    specs: ['testSpec.js']
using directConnect=true:
exports.config = {
    framework: 'jasmine',
    specs: ['testSpec.js']
Execute test case with different combinations for directConnect values(true/false)
Learn how to run a testcase here
protractor directConnect true
protractor directConnect
directConnect protractor
directConnect protractor

  • Observe above, here if we provide both seleniumAddress & directConnect=true, it will prefer directConnect=true only.
directConnect in protractor
directConnect=false in protractor

directConnect seleniumAddress
directConnect seleniumAddress protractor
  • we got error in above execution, because server is not started before execution of protractor test.
  • Start server (see below screenhsot) then start run protractor test.
directConnect server start protractor
directConnect server start protractor

directConnect seleniumAddress protractor
directConnect seleniumAddress protractor
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