
What is cucumber background keyword ?

What is the background in Cucumber?

  • The background is a keyword provided in Gherkin language.
  • Generally, we can find many repeatable steps in all of the scenarios in a Feature.
  • Since the steps are repeated in every scenario, we can group them under the background section.
  • A Background is a set of steps that can be executed before each scenario but after @Before Hooks.
Let's say I have scenarios in a feature like below:
Feature: Demo on cucumber framework
  Description: The purpose of this feature is explain Background keyword

  Scenario: This is First Scenario
    Given I navigated to Amazon Website
    And I enter user name
    And I enter password
    And I click login button
    When I navigated to Home Page
    Then I searched for Samsung mobile

  Scenario: This is second Scenario
    Given I navigated to Amazon Website
    And I enter user name
    And I enter password
    And I click login button
    When I navigated to Home Page
    Then I searched for Micromax mobile
Here, we observe there are repeated steps in the scenarios (First 5 steps in each scenario).
So, by using background keyword we can write only once, those repeated steps in background section.
Demo on cucumber backgroud keyword:
Feature: Demo on cucumber framework
  Description: The purpose of this feature is explain Background keyword

    Given I navigated to Amazon Website
    And I enter user name
    And I enter password
    And I click login button
    When I navigated to Home Page
Scenario: This is First Scenario Then I searched for Samsung mobile
  Scenario: This is second Scenario
    Then I searched for Micromax mobile
Step Definitions for above scenarios are implemented as below:
background cucumber scenarios
cucumber background keyword
cucumber background scenario
cucumber background keyword
Now execute the above scenarios:
background cucumber scenario execution
Cucumber background scenario execution
Based on requirements, it's up to you how you will use the background in the cucumber framework.

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