
What is Cucumber?

What is Cucumber?

cucumber framework
  • Before going to learn cucumber let me start with the software development cycle which we are following in the project(s). Any software development methodology starts with the Requirements phase. 
  • How these requirements will actually start ? from Customer right! Then from the customer explained to business analyst, from business analyst to project leader, then project leader explained to system analyst, then it will pass to programmer and testers.
  • Here, if we observe there is no transparency in communication. Because here requirement is understood in their different views. If there is no proper communication no project will deliver successfully.

So in order to implement the behavior of application we have to methodology  BDD.

What is BDD?
  • Behavior-driven development (BDD) is a software development methodology in which an application is specified and designed by describing how its behavior should appear to an outside observer.
  • In BDD, tests were written in plain descriptive English type grammar.
  • These tests are explained as the behavior of the application and are more user-focused.
Now here cucumber starts,
  • Cucumber is designed to help bridges between technical and non-technical members of s/w team with BDD
  • Cucumber helps business stakeholders to get involved in writing acceptance tests and then dev team would work/code to pass acceptance tests
It will define application behavior in plain meaningful English text using  a simple grammar defined by a language called Gherkin (will learn in next posts)

Why we go for cucumber?
  • Cucumber scenarios can easily understand by anyone regardless of technical knowledge.(Product owners,Business analyst,users,testers,non-testers, UX designers etc.,.)

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