
How cucumber scenario will execute?

WHAT ARE the layers of cucumber ?

Till now we discussed basic of cucumber.So in order to design a cucumber framework there are main 3 layers.
Layers of cucumber
1) Feature Files

2) Step Definitions

3) Support Library

What is Feature File ?

In every project we will write our scenarios.So in cucumber we will write our scenarios/tests in feature file (sample.feature) using Gherkin keywords.(will discuss more about gherkin in next posts) A feature file will be created using .feature extension to file.


Let us say an scenario: Navigate to signin page and enter email id.

Let us see how we will write the above in cucumber.


Feature: Demo on Sign in page

Scenario: Enter email id in sign in page
  Given I am on home page
  When I click sign in link
  And I navigated to sign in page
  And I enter my email id
  Then I click on continue button

Will write scenarios like above in cucumber.

Feature file

Step Definitions:

Where we will write our code (code is depended on library what we use like java/ruby/python etc.,.)

We define each and every step by writing code. (will discuss more next posts)

Support Library:

Cucumber framework can design not only using java library and many other like ruby,perl,jruby,scala etc.,.

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