
How to check button is enabled or not in protractor ?

How to use isEnabled() in protractor ?

>> In protractor, we can get whether element (like radio buttons,checkboxes,...) is enabled or not using isEnabled().
>> isEnabled() will return boolean values (true/false).
>> If value is true then element is enabled and if value is false then element is not enabled(i.e., disabled).

Please check below code script:

First write xpath with help of DOM


Here we have two buttons, 1 button is in enabled state and other button is in disabled state.

describe('Protractor - use isEnabled()', function () {
it('Code script to how to use isEnabled()', function () {
var enableButton = element(by.css("input[ng-click='ShowHide()']"));
var isEnable = isElementEnabled(enableButton);
isEnable.then(function (value) {
console.log("Button enabled value=" + value);
var disableButton = element(by.css("input#disable"));
var isDisable = isElementEnabled(disableButton);
isDisable.then(function (value) {
console.log("Button disabled value=" + value);

function isElementEnabled(element) {
return element.isEnabled().then(function (enabled) {
console.log("is Element Enabled=" + enabled);
return enabled;
It will return whether button(s) is enabled or not.
isEnabled() in protractor

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